7th Pay Commission: Revision of Post- 2016 Pension Cases- Railway Board Order

7th Pay Commission: Revision of Post- 2016 Pension Cases- Railway Board Order

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBA No. 67 /2016
No. 2016/AC-II/21/8
New Delhi, dated 21.09.2016 
Zonal Railways/PUs

Sub: Implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC- Revision of Post-2016 pension cases. 

Ref: Railway Board's letter No. 2016/F(E)/IH/1/ (1)8 dated 12.08.2016.

The detailed instruction for revision of the settlement dues as well as pension/family pension of railway servants who retired/died in harness on or after 01.01.2016 has been issued vide above referred letter. Necessary modifications in ARPAN software has already been done and is ready for deployment. Similar modifications in IPAS software have also been processed by CRIS. The scheme for revision of the cases whether settled through ARPAN/IPAS as mentioned below may be adopted uniformly across the railways for timely completion of the revision process. 

A. Revision of Post-2016 cases already settled through ARPAN:
(a) Revision of settlement dues as well as revision of PPOs will be carried out in ARPAN- Revision Module. 

B. Revision of Post-2016 cases already settled through IPAS:
(a) Payment of revised settlement dues will be made through IPAS- Settlement Module.
(b) Revised particulars (IPAS data) along with Pensioners Photograph (scanned image) and complete Family details will be uploaded to ARPAN data base.
(c) Revised PPOs based on updated IPAS details, will be issued from ARPAN. 

e_PPO scheme for revised PPOs in ARPAN in also under development and testing. The Zonal railways/PUs will be intimated in due course for its implementation.

(B.B. Verma)
Advisor (Accounts)
Railway Board


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