Form- Progress of Revision of PPO for Pension Revision of Pre- 2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners

Form- Progress of Revision of PPO for Pension Revision of Pre- 2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners

Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners on the basis of Pay Matrix prescribed by 7th CPC

Checklist/Report for Monitoring the Progress of Revision of PPOs

Name of the Defence Organisation : _____________________

Report for the Fortnight ending __________________
Section A – Compilation of Data
Action by CPAO
Action By HoDs
PCDA(Pension) Allahabad has issued Circular No.C-164 dated 30 May 2017 to all HoDs under MoD stating that they will provide a list of living pensioners to HoDs.
Whether List(s) received by HoDs from PCDA(P) Allahabad?
 If Yes, then

Total No. of Pensioners Identified by PCDA(P) –

Total No. of Pensioners identified by HoDs from own records –

Total No.of Pensioners whose pension needs to be re-fixed (d+e)   
 If No, then
Dates on which contacted the Nodal Officer of PCDA (Pension) for supply of list

Dates on which contacted the PAO for supply of list -

Pl. explain efforts made to identify the Pensioners from own records (Add sheet)

Section B – Monitoring by the HoD
Office wise list of Heads of Offices under the control of HOD - responsible for re-fixation of Pension of Pre-2016 retirees
Total No. of Pensioners identified by the Heads of Offices whose pension needs to be revised
No. of cases disposed of at the beginning of the Fortnight

No. of cases   disposed of during the Fortnight

Total No. of Pension revisions completed by HOO
(i + j)
Total No. of cases pending at the end of the fortnight
(h - k)
Total No. of LPC-cum/ Data Sheets sent to PAO/LAO for vetting
Total No. of cases forwarded to  PCDA (Pension) Allahabad for issue of Corr. PPO
Name of Office & HOO

Name of Office & HOO

Signatures & Stamp of HoD/Authorised Signatory
Contact details (with Mobile No.) :

Pl. Forward to the conc. JS-in-charge in MoD

Download Form- Revision of Pension of Pre- 2016 Pensioners


  1. Progress of revision of pension of pre-2016 is very disappoinoting in respect of DGQA under MOD.November data sheet has been forwarded to PCDAPENSION to issue refiled PPOS. Senior citizens who are at the fag end of their livies will hardly get chance to the light of the day unless Govt brings in other agencies to complete the task in a time bound manner.Serious thought should be given


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